David Winiarski is finishing up his first year as a Milwaukee Children’s Choir singer. He came to MCC because of a recommendation made by his middle school teacher. After auditioning, he was asked to join the Milwaukee Youth Chorale (MYC) and Bass Choral, and he did not hesitate.
David joined the MCC because he loves to sing and thinks it is something he excels at. But more than that, he knew that MCC is a top group of singers who really enjoy singing together. That’s something he wanted to be part of.
Since joining, David has felt growth in his voice and performances. “I feel [most] challenged when I have to sing a song that is at the top of my vocal range. I have to focus a lot more on those notes,” said David. As he discussed his hard work within the choir, he continued, “I feel that I have a strong baritone voice and I’m improving it each week.”
His favorite part about the choir? “I like how friendly and close a group this choir is. Everyone will accept you for who you are. I have found some special friends with the MYC.”
David’s mom, Sue Winiarski, was excited her son was interested in joining MCC. “As a parent, I thought this would be a great opportunity for him to grow with his singing,” said Sue.
She continued, “David’s grandfather did a lot with music. [He] sang in the Florentine Opera, Music Under the Stars, Lutheran Capella, a choir director, and many more. David has this singing talent, and I hope to support him with this dream.”
During his time at MCC, Sue has found that David has more confidence. She also loves to see him share his passion for music with other students who also enjoy singing.
David is a young man with many talents. Not only is he a member of Milwaukee Children’s Choir, but he plays the tuba for his high school’s band, sings in his high school’s mix and boy choir, and participates in the Drama Club. He’s not quite sure what his plans are for after high school. Currently, he is exploring music, science and computer science.
David is already looking forward to the 2020-2021season. We hope you are too. Come see him perform next season. It’s sure to be a great year!